Coleção Brasil Moço

o patrimônio do Brasil nas críticas dos jornais


  • Marina Pereira USP


The present work seeks to investigate the strategies used in the publishing market to attract new readers. For this, we intend to investigate the Coleção Brasil Moço (Literatura Viva Comentada), published by Livraria Editora José Olympio between 1971 and 1974. Fruit of a partnership between the publishing house and the government agency Instituto Nacional do Livro (INL), the collection was widely propagated in schools across the country, but it was still interested in winning over new readers. For this, we used the dissemination of the collection in specialized newspapers and literary supplements to increase its readership.

Author Biography

Marina Pereira, USP

Mestre em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). e-mail Número do orcid: 5748-374X.

